David Rocco
David Rocco (narozen 27.7.1970 v Torontu v Kanadě) je kanadský herec a producent. Nejvíce ho proslavilo produkování a uvádění televizní série David Rocco's Dolce Vita (v ČR pod názvem Dolce Vita podle Davida Rocca). Je také spolutvůrcem a průvodcem série spojující jídlo a cestování Avventura: Journey in Italian Cuisine (Avventura: Cesty italskou kuchyní), stejně jako Don't Forget Your Passport (Nezapomeňte si pas).
David se jako dospívající učil vařit v italské rodině v Torontu a tvrdí: "Nejsem kuchař, jsem Ital!" Nyní dělí svůj čas mezi Toronto a Florencii, společně se svou ženou Ninou. V březnu 2008 se jim narodila dvojčata Emma a Giorgia.
David Rocco je jedním z nejoblíbenějších kanadských televizních průvodcí světem jídla a životního stylu. Now in its third season, the show can be seen on The Food Network Canada, and, in an Italian language version, on TLN Telelatino.
The Toronto born and raised Rocco isn’t just the host. He and his wife and business partner Nina, who also appears in the series, created, executive produce and produce the series through their company Rockhead Entertainment. They oversee every single aspect of the show from planning each episode through to the editing process and final delivery to the networks!
That attention to detail ranges from the overall philosophy of cooking healthy seasonal food in the Italian way, to the show’s groundbreaking style to the carefully chosen music. David is personally responsible for picking all of the music on the show, a mix reflects his own eclectic tastes, from specially written themes played under the cooking segments to original songs written by musicians who loved the spirit of the show and wanted to contribute. The music has struck a major chord. Fans of the series from as far away as Hong Kong, Australia and Norway have been in touch via the website davidrocco.com, asking how they can get ahold of the songs.
As a result, Rockhead Entertainment is pleased to release their first soundtrack CD “David Rocco’s Dolce Vita (Music From the TV Series)”
"Most people probably don't think about a cooking show as something that has a soundtrack, but right from the start Nina and I wanted the music to be as important to our show as the food,” commented David Rocco. “We created a series that had a very cinematic look and style, the music is essential to bringing the whole mood of the show to life"
Equal parts exotic, worldly sexy and fun, David Rocco’s Dolce Vita (Music From the TV Series) is available in two formats: a conventional CD and a deluxe package that is bound in a special hard cover 64-page book that features recipes and beautiful full colour photos from the show’s most recent season.
“David Rocco’s Dolce Vita” is a unique show. It provides the viewer with accessible and delicious classic Italian food, focusing on fresh and seasonal ingredients and techniques that any home chef can master, along with a taste of the Italian lifestyle. The show is shot on location in Florence, Italy and the surrounding Tuscan countryside. Seasons two and three also took viewers further into the Italian experience-- to Sicily and the Amalfi coast.
Rocco is the youngest of three children born to Neapolitan parents who immigrated to Canada in the fifties. The elder Rocco’s raised their children with a strong sense of Italian traditions that emphasize family and food. As is the custom in Italy, mealtimes were special. Rocco says his lifelong passion for food was formed in his mother’s kitchen.
During his school years, David took up acting and modeling which allowed him to travel internationally while earning his degree in economics at York University. But after graduation, it was the kitchen, not Bay Street, that called him. He and Nina opened up “La Madonnina” in Toronto. The pizza / pasta / wine bar served up authentic casual Italian dishes. After 2 years running the successful operation, the couple decided to change course, and merge their mutual passion for cooking and all things Italian with David’s natural abilities in front of the camera.
The neophyte producers managed to do something that even experienced industry veterans will tell you is tough: they sold their first television series, a 26 episode travel and cooking extravaganza shot all around Italy. ‘Avventura: Journeys in Italian Cuisine’, was a hit and spawned David’s first cookbook. The show is currently syndicated in 40 countries in 6 different languages.
With that under their belts, the Roccos decided to move forward and create a brand new series rooted in the Italian attitude and passion for food and life that reflected their own personal sense of style. Once again, their instincts were on target. Created in 2003 “David Rocco’s Dolce Vita”, with its mix of food and lifestyle, found a home on Food Network! Canada and TLN Telelatino. The show is now seen in 120 countries and counting! In November of 2006, David was chosen by Flare Magazine’s as one of “Canada’s Top Stylemakers”.
There’s more brewing at Rockhead Entertainment: The show’s website, www.davidrocco.com is becoming a popular online destination, not just for recipes, but also as a resource for viewers and fans looking for everything from information about some of the great locations in the series, to where Nina and David shop. The expanded new site will create a community based interactive environment that will be a key site for people planning trips to Italy—including places to shop, to eat, to visit. As well, the site will offer independent artists and bands the ability to submit their music for consideration for possible inclusion in future episodes of “David Rocco’s Dolce Vita”.
David is currently working on his second cookbook, the first based on the series “David Rocco’s Dolce Vita”, tentatively scheduled for release in 2008. David and Nina are developing a new television series and are in pre-production for the fourth season that they promise will take their thousands of loyal fans further into the Dolce Vita!