In a frying pan over medium heat, melt 4 tablespoons of the butter.
Add the onion and sautÍ until golden, 5-8 minutes.
Add the spinach and garlic and continue to sautÍ for 2-3 to blend the flavours.
Remove from the heat and let cool.
In a bowl, combine the bread, flour, milk, eggs, 2 tablespoons of the cheese, salt and pepper and mix well.
Add the spinach mixture and mix well again. Let stand for 30 minutes to allow the bread to soften and the mixture to bind. (You can prepare this mixture in the morning, cover and refrigerate and then continue just before serving in the evening.)
Dampen your hands to prevent sticking, then use them to shape the mixture into ovals about the size of eggs. You should have 12-16 gnocchi.
Bring a large pot filled with water to a gentle boil.
Add salt to taste and the gnocchi, adjust the heat so the gnocchi poach gently and cook until done, 10-15 minutes.
Cut into a gnocchi to test for doneness. Just before the gnocchi are ready, melt the remaining 6 tablespoons butter in a pan over medium heat until hot and foamy.
Drain the gnocchi and divide evenly among warmed individual plates.
Sprinkle with the chives and drizzle with the butter.
Top evenly with the remaining 6 tablespoons cheese and serve at once.